So on Monday, we were supposed to do some appreciation thing by thanking others because we were going to leave our classes for next year.
And it turned out to be an emo session ;__; I almost cried, but i didn't, just can't let people see me cry. 我爱我的面子。Lol.
So we went into our little cliques and it was awkward. Actually I was thinking: "Wtf my friends didn't bring any benefits to me at all." so I just said "Thank you for being my friend."
But I realised friends are not about benefits (mostly.) Ok maybe I like my friends because they provide me with extra help, but it's sometimes the company that they provide us matters.
What have they done for me? I don't know, annoy the shit out of me 20% of the time (Yes, that's true.) I just get annoyed with them so easily that I have nothing to thank them for.
Nevertheless, I shall write a small message to each of them (very) sincerely (since none of my friends know this blog ;)) And i still love them.
By alphabetical order: In case you say I'm biassed.
AND AND AND I've included my primary school and choir friends too! I'm so nice right, i know! :))
Thank you for being my closest choir friend ever (In fact my only outside choir good friend) Yes, thank you for tolerating my awkwardness(?) and letting me talk to you about choir stuff and how much i hate it since everyone worships choir. And tbh, you were the very first friend in secondary school that I camwhored with! Cool right! Ok i'm weird
Hey! Thanks for being my very first friend when I went to school. And thank you for the memories made like gossiping about random shit. Although I admit that I have called you names behind your back like -i shall not say- before, I still love you. I will try not to judge people, because you are amazing (ok no link.) You annoy the shit out of me by singing and making the stupidest comments, but you're still my best friend in here :)
Hey, although we only got close this year, thanks for being my friend that I could rant all of my bad troubles out :) And being one of the serious-in-studies-people that I could rely on! Thanks for teaching me concepts hehe :)
Hey, thanks for being my rant buddy and laughing like weird shit. I feel that I can really talk about the most weird stuff ever with you, esp about weight where I can talk loads of offensive stuff without annoying you :) Although you are really blur sometimes. Yeah, we only have been friends for less than a year but hope that we can grow closer!
Hie(: Thanks for being my really awesome friend like going home with me, walking back to class tgt blahblah :) These little memories like gossiping really mean a lot :) And yes I know I will try to change my bloody quietness. Yes I admit I've been annoyed with you because of SMP shit and stuff, but I do appreciate you a lot :)
Siew Yi:
SIEWYIIIII! Ok I've been waiting very long to write this post wtf. It's hard to believe that we've been friends for 9 years! From five years old ok. Your still my closest-closest-closest friend ever :D From being emcees in K2 to having recesses together during primary school although we were not in the same class ❤ and ranting about the most stupid stuff and gossiping and laughing bluntly at people. Ok i love you so much :)
Friends are bloody complicated. Sometimes you feel like you are the most loved person in the world, 5 seconds later you feel like you are the most ignored person.
Sometimes you feel like you have the best friends, sometimes you feel like you have the worst, horrible-est, stupidest, ignorant-est friends ever.
I wonder if anyone feels the same.
Yes, I admit that I got annoyed/irritated/pissed with everyone on the list up there at least once.
Maybe I've badmouthed them, hated on them for a period of time, called them "Assholes" and other nasty names. Yes, I'm a horrible friend but I try to keep everything to myself (except on this blog)
If you are wondering why I only published it now, it was because of the stupid EOYs andit was also very hard to write notes to people that have annoyed you wtf. Don't deny. And if I wrote it mindlessly all the letters would have been the same, just like the handover cards I gave the senior (oopsie daisies.)
Anyway I will end with this picture:
To convince people that being quiet is actually being smart, heh. >;) What do you think?
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