Maybe that's my standard, I just never can feel contented with my results, fml. Ok but I think my results are okay for someone who got only 248 -coughs- for her PSLE.
I was really really nervous and my heart was thumping really fast. And I had a flu which made it worse because I was having a stuffed and runny nose which made me feel uncomfy. I was crossing my fingers half of the time for good luck. Yes, crossing your fingers gives you good luck you should try it! At least it gives me some hope.
Got 67.5%, was a little bit disappointed because I wanted to get an A SO BADLY. I really wanted an A! I really hope my results can be pulled up but I doubt that's gonna happen :< And somemore the people around me were smartasses getting As so I felt terrible.
Was fucking happy because I got an A* for once! 83.5%! Seriously I haven't got an A* in a single subject since I went into secondary school since it was impossible but I'm really happy ok! At first I was like "Did I take the wrong paper?" but then I realised I got an A* YIPEEEEEE. But it can't really pull my suckish CA2/SA1 grades up because I only got a A then POOOO :( But I think that my score should be the top 10 scores in my class? Anyway I still have a very pretty A* in my report book yay.
I think I really made channy proud hooray ^_^ I bet he must be super duper shocked too since I failed 3 quizzes this year and always get low As for my tests OTL Thank you channy for teaching me and make me magical powers to score an A*! Go chan! :) Hope that he can be my math teacher next year (although it's kinda impossible)
I got an A in history but it was only a marginal A, like 70% only!
I know 10000000 people are probably gonna feel like bashing me up after I say this but I'M NOT HAPPY WITH MY HIST RESULTS.
Because I felt that it was the easiest paper and I could have done a lot more to get a high A. Plus, I don't think this can pull my overall grade to an A. Oh well I still don't know what I did wrong in my essay wtf only got 8/12. But the SBQ was easy lol because it has really nothing to do with history and just common sense shit. Like how the Japs treated the locals.
And and and the people around my index number got super high As so I thought my results were very bad. However I saw the marks slip for the class and realised that I did quite well heh ^^ But still cannot pull up to an A I'm still very sad :( Sad me is sad.
Ok I bet all the people who got Bs and Cs or even lower feel like killing my now. Please don't kill me.
LA was pretty disappointing because I only got a B, like 65%, lowest among all the subjects! My comprehension pulled me down I got 15/30 for that FML. And I'm glad that the essay I chionged in 20 mins got me 18/30 which was quite ok ^^ But still I'm not very happy with it:( And there were a few marking mistakes like the teacher gave me 3 extra marks. Of course I didn't bother telling anyone that. -_-
Got 34/50 which is 68% which is a B. Totally FML again lah. If I gotten 1 more mark I would have gotten a glorious A! Meh still thankful for it because I didn't fail my DRQ. But it's one mark more you know! So close. So I was pretty annoyed lol. KILL ME NOW.
I was really super highhhh because I got an A bitches, 76% ^_^ Seriously didn't expect it because I thought I did very badly. I was even praying that I wouldn't get a C. I actually thought this was the hardest paper but I was wrong apparently. And my MCQs pulled me down :( I scored the highest for Bio among my 4 sections super surprised lah! And I haven't scored an A in science for any major exam since P6 wtf so you can't imagine how hyper I was! :D And my friends wanted to kill me because before that I was saying that I was scared I failed science.
I know that I can get my 8 subjects combination already liao ^_^ Hoorayz! Yeah I think it's good that I didn't score any Cs or fail anything if not it would have been disastrous. And I shouldn't compare myself to all these smar tasses since I'm not intellectually-gifted like them. Now another problem arises. Idk which combination to choose omigod
Other miscellaneous stuff:
So my friend was really disappointed because she got a C for science. At first when I got my paper back I wanted the express my excitement but I saw her face. She was staring into blank space and in shock or something 无话可说, so I had to hide my happiness (wtf ruin the happy moment lol.) For the rest of the going-through-of-papers, I was super quiet and didn't dare to say anything. Sometimes it's better to keep your mouth shut in front of sad people. And then I asked her what happened and she told me about her results and was super disappointed and shit.
Being the awkward friend I am I just kept quiet because I'm no counselor.
If I said, "It's okay, just work hard next year."
If I said, "At least you tried your best"
She'll be like BUT I STILL DID BADLY
If I said, "Don't worry, your previous assignments can pull your grade up."
What to do, you ask me?
So the best thing is to keep quiet and keep patting her shoulder._.
I just don't know how to comfort people. I feel that when one is upset, it's best to just keep your mouth shut and just don't say anything. Or else you may make it worse and cause that person to cry more hysterically.
And I feel guilty because I'm such a so-not-supportive friend.
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