Saturday, November 24, 2012

Would you rather?

Would you rather have a boring repetitive job that paid $9000/month or an engaging job that you really enjoy but it pays $2000/month? 
 Believe it or not, I will choose the high paying job. I know I'm really money faced but if I look for the job I will look at the income first, then how interesting the job is. I'm actually okay with any job because if it's boring, I can motivate myself to love the job since it has a high pay, right?

Hmm.. But if the $2000 job is REALLY fun, like being a blogger, I will take it, but I will probably have another part time job since it will be more financially stable. LOL why am I so critical. I just treasure money a lot, like if someone that I'm not close to wants to borrow money from me, I'll be hesitant and try to show that I'm not willing to. Why? Because I don't feel secure with my money in other people's hands. *shrugs*

Would you rather be ugly and rich or pretty and poor?
I choose pretty and poor ! For me, I believe if you're pretty, you can be a supermodel and earn lots of money! And you can even have a good social life and be recognized! Beauty will really get you anywhere! (Well, almost) And if you're ugly it's hard to find love. Yeah yeah I know you all will say love has no boundaries but you can't deny that you will be more attracted to handsome/pretty people right? And it's kind of easy be financially stable because as long as you have qualifications it should be easy to earn some money right?

My friend she said that with the money she could get plastic surgery and it will only cost a few hundred thousand dollars, and the problem of ugliness is solved with nose/eye/lip jobs and facelifts. But when you have kids then they'll turn out not-so-gorgeous and then they'll find out the truth which is quite unpleasant. -cough-

Would you rather be really short (1.4m) or really tall (2m)?
 I'd rather be really short :) Sure, I would LOVE to be tall, but the maximum I'll go is 1.75m? Because any further then people will think I'm a transvestite since I'm of a man's height. (no offence lol.) And also very hard to find a boyfriend who's above 2m, at least in Asia. You can't wear heels too!

Most people think short people are cute ok ^_^ And you will look young and youthful! 
(I say one.) Just look at short bloggers like fourfeetnine and xiaxue! They're cute!  


Would you rather be tall and fat (1.7m and 67kg) or short and skinny (1.55m and 40kg)?

But I would choose tall and fat if I know I had to power to lose at least 17kg to qualify "being skinny", which is kind of impossible since I can't even lose 2kg.

Would you rather have a gorgeous face and a not-so-hot body or a hot body and a not-so-gorgeous face?

Gorgeous face and a not-so-hot body. Because it is quite easy to change your body if you have the commitment to exercise and eat healthy :) Not many people are born with pretty faces!

For the other one, even if you have a hot body, most girls will have one too because it's a bit more common. And it's hard to change your face unless you go for plastic surgery/make-up which is a complete waste of money. I will NEVER go for plastic surgery because it looks very painful wtf. I can't stand blood and pain and the stitches and all looks very painful. And also it's very money-consuming and people will judge you like some shit, calling you "fake" and all. But no hate towards people who had them! 

Would you rather lose your crush to your best friend or your worst enemy? 

I'd rather lose it to my worst enemy. Then I can hate them both. Like I can be sour grapes and say, "I knew he was such an idiot! Setting such low standards for himself, liking that bitch!" And then it will be easier to get over them since I hate them to the core. There will be less hurt to the heart and it will be more of hate.

However if you lose it to your best friend, you will just feel very hurt and can't help but feel extremely jealous. It will just affect your friendship badly and you'll be bearing grudges at her secretly. You'll keep asking yourself, "Why is she better than me? What did I not have?" and all those questions which will make your ego drop or smth.

Would you rather be alone forever (no family/friends) or disliked by others forever? 

  I'd rather be disliked forever. At least you have people around you who at least know of your existence and you can at least talk to them. And even if you're disliked, there must be some people who actually care about you. Being alone is so scary like imagine you live with no one's company, have no one to talk to, everyday it'll just be you. At least for the other one you can quarrel with them.

My worst fear: Dying alone and no one knows of your existence and then I'll just be burnt to ashes and then no one comes to my funeral :( CHOI CHOI CHOI.

That's all! I realised many of my questions are superficial wtf. If you have any good "Would you rather" questions comment! :))


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