Saturday, July 21, 2012

The urge of wanting to be thin.

I decided to write this post after reading the above article. So qiao right seeing these articles right after saying that I want to lose weight. :x

Basically this thing is about teens wanting to become thin and being part of the thinspiration group and become aneoroxic and bullimic blahblah and how media portrays fat people in a bad way.

Well I think this is kind of true. Why would you want to be friends with a morbidly obese person who is ugly?! You would rather be friends with a skinny and pretty person right? Admit it, you said yes. Anyone who said no is obviously lying. (Unless you are the type who wants to appear prettier and skinnier in front of your friends, I don't know what to say)

When you see a fat person right in front of you, your brain will immediately make judgements like "Omg she's so fat and she must be clumsy and such a dorky idiot that is outdated and unpopular. If I ever become best friends with her my reputation will be ruined!"
Ok lah, maybe not that mean and shallow like maybe you'll treat them differently at first?
Of course you don't say it out loud, but you just keep it to yourself.

 It is 100% impossible to not  to judge someone. Your brain is automatic. If you are fat, it'll probably  give an impression that you're too lazy to exercise, eat too much and are clumsy.

So, for people like me who are ugly and fat? What to do? Cannot do plastic surgery/make-up, the best way is to LOSE WEIGHT.

Another reason for losing weight is because as girls, looking good is the most most important me (at least to me) ;) We all want to have a good figure so we can look skinny in our clothes. And ever since the invention of clothes that are meant to reveal your figure, there is a pressure to look pretty and slim.

Why are SKINNY jeans invented?
To flaunt your SKINNY legs :)

Why are bikinis invented?
To flaunt your hourglass figure, duh! 

Why are crop tops invented?
To openly show you have a flat stomach!

Why are low cut tops invented?
To show off your boobs

Why are tank tops/tube tops invented?
To show the world your skinny arms and cute collarbone ad shoulder bone (YAY I HAVE THAT :D)

Why are shorts invented?
To show your long and skinny legs and tighs! (which I obviously don't have but I still wear them) *shameless idiot*

Why are tights/knee high socks, short skirts, short dresses invented?

I'm sure those people who invented those clothes were probably skinny scumbags and wanted to disgrace those poor fat people, ESPECIALLY THOSE WITH SHORT AND FAT LEGS :'(
I wanna lose weight until i can wear knee high socks without letting the sock break when I pull them up (yes i swear they would do that if i tried wtf)

I'm happy with healthy dieting. I must go vegan. Must. For now. The diet hasn't been working well... so urgh.. i'm gonna delete my dieting apps. They are useless.

Actually i think it's better if there are fat people. I'm sure it feels good to piss fat people off by complaining they are fat when they are underweight wtf (many skinny people are like that) Then you will feel better when comparing yourself to other people. :D

And when people tell you: "Omg you're so skinny already!" It feels good too. It's like fishing for compliments -.-

I think probably some of my clique members hate me for going on a diet when they think i'm so skinny. And when i said I want to go vegan, they say: "IF YOU TALK ABOUT THAT I'M GOING TO KILL YOU. YOU'RE THE SKINNIEST AMONG US LEH."

Because of that, I shall learn to keep my mouth shut.

Still hovering at 44 even after 2 weeks of trying to lose weight >.<

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